Wednesday, December 26, 2012

An Open Letter To Global Pastors/Ministers - Our People Are Suffering - While We Live Big - Part 1


FROM:        Khrystus Wallace, President & Founder of Dare 2 Be Different International
                     and Ordained Servant at The Mount Carmel Baptist Church - St. Kitts

DATE:         26th December, 2012


Dear Ministers of the Gospel around the world,

I bring you greetings from the Youth Ministry that I founded when I was 21 years old, Dare 2 Be Different International - and the leader of the only ministry in St. Kitts - Nevis that recognized and acknowledged the fresh vision of our group, Bishop Dr. Kelvin Jones, (labouring for over 52 years in ministry) and Congregation of The Mount Carmel Baptist Church - St. Kitts -

Dr. Kelvin Jones preaching a warning sermon less than 7 days ago

We trust that you had a Merry Christmas celebrating God's work and we wish you special blessings in 2013 if God tarries.

As I woke this morning, eager to prepare for the joint Dare 2 Be Different and Mount Carmel Baptist Youth Christmas Party, God told me to pause and pen this open letter to all ministers of the gospel and warn the us before he suffers and destroy us and our congregations for going against his word and being too carnal minded as "supposedly" Christian Ordained Ministers.

Therefore, I prayerfully address the following issues after months of deep study and research. Follow me hereon:

1. God is warning against Ministers of the gospel who have set out to RAPE their members and attendees of every last dime in their name for their personal gain and making NO EFFORT to help their congregations. Ministers of the gospel, as a 26 year old fellow ordained servant, I want to make it clear that I do agree with Paul's writing to the Corinthian Church in 1st Corinthians 9:14 - Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.

Thus, it is therefore clear that if we preach and we get a stipend, we should be grateful, if we don't we should give thanks to God still and not get angry because he does promise to look after his own. Just by monitoring the situation here in the Caribbean and having to counsel so many people locally and overseas, who feel stressed and feel guilty for not having it to give, I must make it explicitly clear here - GOD  IS  ANGRY  WITH  OUR  APPROACH. He is angry that we are using Psychology to rob the poor and middle class. Give and it shall come back to you - YES. Luke 6:38 does not say that you need to give to get healed etc.

Friend, If I was involved during my former years of ministry in doing that, I humbly apologize and ask God to forgive me.

There are times when we are led to raise funds for a particular cause and may use a particular approach, but to have three and four other offering buckets, for other offerings other than tithes and offering every Sunday, at every church event is a SIN and God calls on us to STOP  IT  IMMEDIATELY  OR  HE  WILL  DESTROY. Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

The church and its members are NOT obligated to pay for a vehicle or your home and still pay you. That is not Bible. We are to get a salary as Paul spoke about in the New Testament.

1 Cor 9:9
For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn.
Doth God take care for oxen? Or saith he
it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that
he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be
partaker of his hope. Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.
His argument is that God imposes a spiritual law, that he who works hard (in obedience to Genesis 3:17-19) should receive just recompense according to his labors, and in exchange for his labors. In the church, the ministers that preach and teach the whole church should live of this.
Just recompense isn't RAPING the church of all its income, living a BIG LIFE, while those under us suffer. Far from the truth. Note well, I am not saying Ministers of the Gospel must not be rich or get rich, but it is my personal opinion that we should NOT get rich off the church. Start a busines, write some books and don't tell the congregation that if they don't buy your book, they won't receive deliverance. Too many of US  ARE  LYING  FROM  THE  PULPIT and that is just as bad as others committing adultery and fornication. WE  MUST  STOP  IMMEDIATELY. GOD  IS ANGRY. I do believe if its God's will, my 7 books titled "God's Prescription For Positive Living I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII" will be best sellers. I believe because of my faithfulness to God all my business endeavours shall prosper and God will bless me.

Let it be recorded here from all the ministries that God will use me to start around the world, do not ever send me a dime until you are absolutely sure that each of my members are properly cared for. That's an Order fromt he Lord. So, if I never get a dime from a ministry - SO  WHAT - God will provide. Ministry should NEVER be about the money - but about KINGDOM  BUILDING!

For twenty six (26) years of my life here in the Caribbean, I have been looking for a church that will spend more time giving back and empowering its members and followers rather than being overly concerned about raising MONEY and staying carnal minded and I have found none who have gone the extra mile to do this. Note well, I know that there are some churches that happily receive just tithes and offerings and a few special offerings now and again for other causes like The Mount Carmel Baptist Church pastored by Bishop Dr. Kelvin Jones. I guess he's from the old school, the very old school where he enforces the old time Gospel and we bless God for him. There are a few more still like him around the world, but the vast majority of Ministers now a days are MONEY  HAWKS or should I say People Robbers and are overdoing it.

God told me Khrystus, I want you to start a ministry, that will open across the globe and open a New Brand of churches called The Victory Centres - that will bring Global Churches back in order not by just talking, but by setting a FRESH  EXAMPLE and acting and showing them just what NEW  TESTAMENT  CHURCH  SHOULD  BE.

Honestly friend, when God told me that in 2010, I started The Caribbean's 1st Virtual Church - He said the start of The Dare 2 Be Different Victory Centre should go down in history as a CHURCH  THAT  STARTED  DIFFERENTLY. God told us to work, evangelize, hit the streets, reach the youth because many adults are hard-headed and set in their ways, and do good first,  reach the world and evangelize then you can open.

Co-Labourer, let me be honest here, now that we have a global following and global ministries - St. Kitts -, St. Vincent & The Grenadines -, Ghana -, Kenya - and applications in from many other countries, I started to also think Carnally minded. I said, let me build the biggest sanctuary in St. Kitts - Nevis and the Caribbean and then open. God recently told me otherwise. He said he will provide all the money we need for our Multi-Million Dollar Ministry Empowerment Project but I must not let a sanctuar delay my opening.

God said 2013 is the year for him to Bless the People that follow the New Thing that he is doing and about to do through Dare 2 Be Different International and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church in 2013.

God told me to open 2013 with a crusade themed, "This is Your Year" from the 7th - 11th of January, 2013 and not to send out invitations to churches - let people come off their free will so we can clearly see who signs up and needs help because from 2013, each time a Dare 2 Be Different or Mount Carmel Baptist Members walks by, the world will automatically know from the EMPOWERMENT  GLOW  ON  THEIR  FACES.

God said to Let Pastor Kelvin Jones cut the ribbon to open this Sanctuary on Sunday, 13th January, 2013 as the Pastor that taught you in Converts Class, Baptized You and First Pastored You and once you follow that protocol order, you will be blessed in every area of your life and no ministry you establish or are apart of will ever be in lack. God said that everything that is happening now, was pre-ordained and do not feel down spirited if you are only supported by a local few, because we have a WORLD waiting for help from us.

Friend, I'll be honest. As I write, I don't even have a place for the church, but like Paul and Peter and the disciples, I am prepared to walk in faith. If I am the only one that is there with Bishop Jones at our 8:30am service on that oepning day, I will still sing and preach because it's God's instructions to me.

In this Part I letter, I want to encourage ministers around the world to adopt a Dare 2 Be Different International Victory Centre Vision to be more interested in EMPOWERING  and LOOKING after the people rather than taking, taking, taking which isn't a principal of God in his word to OVERDO.

From 2013, Dare 2 Be Different International and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church will be following a new God Given Policy and Vision.

1. All tithes and offerings will be used to help the people. How? At the end of each month, we will open a Fixed Deposit and either establish an overdraft locally or overseas that gives a BEST INTEREST and use it to back small loans to help our members. From how individuals contribute to offerings and tithes and any other fee-based clubs, we will be able to develop our own Ministry Based Credit Bureau around the world, to see how much unsecured cash our accounts department can lend to a particular member. As we work on our own financial institution that will of course be based outside the Caribbean Region, each offering, tithe paying member will get a Reloadable Debit Card for emergency purposes. Therefore, if they are low in cash, or overseas and need monies, they can quickly call into our Accounts Department, a credit risk officer checks their contribution history to see if is regular, they come to a recorded agreement on the telephone on the NO - INTEREST LOAN is immediately loaded to the emergency debit card. We will make a profit because we will ask members to give a donation over on their loan when they payback. THIS  IS  CALLED  EMPOWERMENT  AND  THIS IS  WHAT  CHURCHES  SHOULD  BE  WORKING  TOGEHTER  AND  DOING

We will set up a department to help to empower and relieve our supporting members who are drowning in debt IMMEDIATELY. Aren't accountants apart of all churches? The church can use Tithes and Offerings and pay the accountant to counsel members financially and help them come up with budgets.

CHURCH  IS  MORE  THAN  JUST  PREACHING  AND PRAYING. When Jesus wasn't doing any of those two, he was HELPING, HEALING, PROVIDING. Am I wrong?

2. How will our ministers be paid? How will our Victory Centre Rent or Mount Carmel Lights bill be paid? How will Dr. Jones get an allowance? God has instructed me to set up an asset to cover every liability that we will have. What do I mean? To pay our lights bills, we may import a need of the church - Let's say Flour and Rice, sell it to our member and the profits pay for the Electricity Bill. To Pay Dr. Jones and who ever will Pastor the local Victory Centre when I hand it over in a few months after opening it , we will import a small block making machine, which we have already researched and that is capable of making 2000 blocks per day and these funds will help to pay our ministers and in the process provide affordable blocks for our members to build homes or add on, as we plan to import our own cememt, steel, etc to keep prices down and help our members.

Ministers of the gospel, God warns, don't wait until 2013, let us begin now to help our people instead of ROBBING  THEM. I have presented 0.01% of the DOCUMENTED ideas that God has been giving to me over the first 4 years of Dare 2 Be Different International as we step into our 5th Anniversary year in 2013.

I will continue to write and warn and also continue to write my book titled, "Is your Pastor Robbing and Killing You or Feeding You The Word and Empowering You?" If this made you wonder Minister as you read, you probably need to REPENT  NOW and do things differently. I'm not perfect. I have my flaws. I make my mistakes and we know that Jesus waits to grant forgiveness once we ask. Will you pledge to do better from now?

I know this will definitely be a BEST SELLER and note well, every dime from this book sale will go to establishing more Dare 2 Be Different's, Mount Carmel Baptist Churches, Training Unions and support ministry's under Dare 2 Be Different International -  , The Mount Carmel Baptist Church - and The Dr. William Connor Foundation -

In my other Open Letters and in my book, I will use detailed scriptures to explain my position and show the world that this isn't any FRESH VISION - but one that has been outlined by God in his Word ever since the start of the world.

Didn't Jesus pause to look after and feed those following him with the loaves and fishes? He recognized that people needed help. Before I'm wrong, I will re-reread that passage of scripture to see if he passed a SPECIAL  OFFERING  PLATE  first before he helped in Luke 9:16

Let's step up and work Ministers of the Gospel. I don't mind being hated more after this open letter. Paul - a radical,  Peter - a World Changer weren't liked by many of the Scribes and Pharisees and criticizers and Romans etc too - so it's quite OK to talk about me, condemn me and criticize my life and ministry also. If you don't hate hate me, then John 15:18 wouldn't be true. John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

God has made it clear to me, to never look back and help those that rejected and never supported his Dare 2 Be Different ministry after they have seen the Great Work that He is doing through Dare 2 Be Different International - for 4 long years. He says Ministers of the gospel that accept your vision as a 26 year old preacher, work with them and help them. He also warned to not be like the leprous men who were cared for and healed and never looked back to say thanks. God has made it clear that the individuals that helped me in ministry, supported me in ministry, were patient investors, I must open small businesses for them, work the businesses and hand them over to them as profitable enterprises. God has given me a commission to let Dare 2 Be Different International and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church go down in history as the God Sent Organization that helped its members and lifted the unemployment level not only in St. Kitts - Nevis but the Caribbean and the world. Investors - God already gave me dozens of Executive Summaries with ideas the world has never seen and as he speaks to your heart - email me to get talking:

For the past 4 years since the start of our ministry - 2008 - 2012, only ONE church in my home land acknowledged this proving Matthew 13:57 true. In a humbling note after I preached at The Mount Carmel Baptist Church for the first time, a veteran in ministry - Bishop Dr. Kelvin Jones told his congregation IMMEDIATELY having took the microphone, that "The Dare 2 Be Different Fresh Vision is the vision for the 21st Century and Mount Carmel will be working along with Brother Wallace."

God said to me, Khrystus, follow Luke 9:5 And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.

Global churches, because Local Pastors in St. Kitts, so far have refused to work along with God's vision, it would be a sin for me to turn back now and help when God's instructions are clear to me as President and Founder of Dare 2 Be Different International to never look back but keep MOVING  FORWARD.

I therefore now extend my hand to you, ministers and churches, all across the Caribbean and the world to begin to support Dare 2 Be Different International, The Mount Carmel Baptist Church or The Dr. William Connor Foundation. We will not take and NOT  GIVE  BACK. We really don't want your monies because we are doing a great work for God already, but God is testing your faithfulness. Once you are obedient to this Fresh Vision that God has given to me, we will in return to your obedience to God -  help you with FRESH 21st Century ideas, technology and so much more.

We will help you establish assets to deal with ALL your liabilities. As a businessman who started selling gooseberries in primary school and established at age 13 and grow it into, I want to help you. Isn't it time for Christians to stand out now? Must the enemy be ahead all the time?

Don't you believe in Matthew 17:20?

I know about rising and falling and preparing to rise again. From the first Converts Class with Dr. Kelvin Jones, he always encougaged us to pray for WISDOM and God has given me alot, alot, alot, if you ask my mother, I sleep with a book next to my bedside with ideas. I sometimes wonder when God will stop pouring them in, but He has reminded me that I asked and now I am receiving and I must impact and revolutionize the world for him.

Dare 2 Be Different International and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church are ready to accept your invitations to preach and do missions around the world. We have the preaches and missionaries and we are ready to send them. We are ready to travel and help you with Vacation Bible School and other ministry doings. We are starting our Preachers School in 2013 so we keep turning over preachers, missionaries, evangelists, pastors and sending them out to help you.

Once you partner with us, we are ready immediately to build websites for you, show you how to start your own internet radio and tv stations, help you start businesses, show you how to publish your books, get them selling on I spent years collecting wholesalers all around the world and networking with folks who want to expand all across the world and they are ready, ready now. I just need to connect them with people. We're ready to help your choir bring out their own albums to raise funds for the ministry and those apart of the choir through my brother's God-Given Talent - . We are ready to show you how you can sell your songs online and bring out your own line of clothes. Have you been to the Khrystus Wallace Store at: - If you buy my popular song - Don't Give Up - Hope's Ahead for 99 cents, I'll get an email to my phone and I'll personally thank you for buying it. I want to show you how you can do that too.

I believe it would be a sin to not pass on all I know and therefore, I want to show members from the church or show you as a minister how to screen print, use an embroidery machine, start a banners and sign business, a website business, consulting firm. I want to carry on Business Labs training at your church around the globe and share my never give up story. I want to teach you how to blog and the power of blogging and share with you how the world is signing up simply from following dozens of inspirational piecs on - I want to show you how you can do that too.

I want to share with you a Dr. Kelvin Jones documentary about working with The Late Dr. William Connor as he established the 1st Baptist Church in St. Kitts. Once my mother, Yvette Wallace, M.Ed feels like flying, I want her to help you start a reading program or even a school at your church - we have all the materials to help you already. She was a teacher for 20 years, a head teacher for 10 and an education officer for 5 years.

She is not only an eduator, she is a trained a certified agro-processor that makes breadfruit flour, sweet potation flour, mango and pawpaw candy, jams, fudges and so much more. I got my multi-talent from her.

 I have asked her to pause with all she knows and strart training people around the world because it would be impossible for her in her lifetime to use all her talents anymore. So Male Ministers, my mother is ready to teach your wives a skill so she can work and make her own money from home and you don't have to ROB the church anymore. She can  teach sewing of Sleeveless blouses, baby shimmies, straight dresses, cushions, dolls, bags, baskets, pin cushions, smocking dresses, tie dye, hand embroidery on clothes and fabrics, painted t-shirts, iron board covers, bags, corduroy, cutwork on fabrics, shell vases and flowers, table mats, covers for tasters, mixes, blenders, hair decorations, neck ties, scarves, head ties, patch work, teddy bears, crib sheets, pencil cases, camera bags, handkerchiefs, covered buttons, table cloths, curtains, bed sets, under wear, play pants, doll clothes, sewing machine covers, kitchen curtains, drapes, tea-pot covers, half slips, netbal skirts, dance skirts, bread bags, flare skirts, sanitary pad holders. Follow my blog about my mother on:

We want to help you start a CompuDoctors Franchise - and let you train folks in computer and let you start a technician store too. We know where you can get about 10 or 20 full computers for a ridiculous price. We can come, set it up, guide you for a while, teach a few lessons no matter where you are in the world. We have the help. Dare 2 Be Different International was planted on earth for such a time as this to HELP. For 26 years, ministries barely reached out to me for help in my own country St. Kitts - God has said to move on and help others. They had 26 years to reach out and do not look back.

2013 is your year once you make a simple step. You are reading this email or blog across the world and continued reading it down to the very end because you are inspired. Hope is Ahead in 2013 but you MUST  ACT  NOW before our itineary is filled. I remember reporting for our Dare 2 Be Different Media Team (Internet TV - and Internet Radio - www.d2bdradio) on a sermon by Dr. Annette Lazarus Rose. The sermon title was DON'T  DIE  THERE - FAVOUR  COMES  BY  MOVING - 2 Kings 7:3 - Read it at:

God has appointed me, a 26 year old preacher to help turn this world upside down for him. Don't be like other St. Kitts churches and ministers who never reached out for help save Dr. Kelvin Jones and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church. When we meet a certain quota, we will stop further registrations because we really can't do it all. Favour Comes By Moving - Email:  or BB PIN: 2A3CBAA3.

Ministers - grab help now for you and your members, I'm ready to travel with a few of the 12 team members that go by the name, The 21st Century Disciples, to help to empower you. Each of us have different talents and function under different gifts. Imagine - Just imagine, inviting us to conduct a crusade in the evening and empowerment events in the day, you can see members having published books on the internet in a day or two, we can be training your folks to market and operate an internet radio station and reach the world via social media.

Ministers of the gospel are always guilty of throwing away glorious opportunities and people with potential. I was thrown away in May 2008, taken before a church board meeting and condemned for accepting so many invitations to preach and spread the gospel. No board member uttered a word in my defense because I knew ANSWERING  CALLS  to preach was definitely not wrong. Simply because I was obedient to GOD and not man, look at what God is doing with Brother Khrystus "Never Give Up" Wallace through Dare 2 Be Different International and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church. To Him Be All The Glory, Dominion and Praise.

Don't stay wandering in the wilderness like the children of Israel for 40 years when God has sent help right infront you computer. Don't miss this HELP  AND  EMPOWERMENT  for you as a minister and and for your congregation like the people in Noah's day.

Anyway, I must end here with a poem that I had to learn to represent The Verchild's High School in Form 3 or Grade 9 and it has forever stuck with me, even after graduating as Valedictorian in 2002 at age 15. It says.

 To every man there openeth A way, and ways, and a way. And the high soul climbs the high way, And the low soul gropes the low: And in between, on the misty flats, The rest drift to and fro. But to every man there openeth A high way and a low, And every man decideth. The way his soul shall go.    Oxenham, John

May you seek God on this matter and reach out IMMEDIATELY for help in your country from Dare 2 Be DIfferent International - . God promises to always LOOK  AFTER  HIS  PEOPLE  come what may. During these trying economic times, it is time for the Children of God to take their rightful positions in the world and PROGRESS and rise even when things may be tough.

A warning from God and a word to the wise is just enough. It is imperative that PASTORS    DEVELOP  A  HEART  OF  COMPASSION  AND  BEGIN  TO  HELP  AGAIN or two things will happen.

1. Your members will leave in DROVES and join churches that have the ideas and that are empowering them and not just taking.

2. God may kill you like his did to so many people in the Bible when he was totally fedup and displeased.

Straight from the heart of God in RAW  FORM!

In Christ,

Khrystus Wallace, President & Founder
Dare 2 Be Different Inernational

Ordained Servant
The Mount Carmel Baptist Church

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