Friday, December 14, 2012

An Open Letter To President Barrack Obama - Act Now On Gun Control Laws

14th December, 2012

Mr. Barrack Obama,
President of The United States of America,
The White House,
Washington DC,

Dear Mr. President,

It is with deep hurt, I sit and pen this open letter tonight having watched the painful happenings of today with regards to children - youth - seeds just beginning to bloom with their first flowers. Why am I so concerned, as I sit in my St. Kitts (Caribbean) Dare 2 Be Different International - Office? I am deeply concerned because our ministry is primarily geared at impacting CHILDREN  AND  YOUTH using the technology and creative, outside the box activities and events as we spread the message of Jesus Christ in the process.

Mr. President, since God called me to start this ministry in June 2008 on the 68 square mile island of St. Kitts, we know undoubtedly, that we have been making one of the biggest impacts on our island, across the Caribbean and the world. I can't get to do anything in the kitchen tonight as I prepare for our Annual Christmas Party - I had to leave it to some other faithful team members to lead the way. WHY? I am hurting, literally hurting, and have a headache. I love children and youth that much. All day, as I turned on the television to get a bit of global updates, all I hear on CNN are reports of Connecticut's Elementary School Massacre. I just sat to check something on the internet, my homepage has its BIG BREAKING NEWS RED LINE .

Mr. President, to be honest, these gun crimes and youth suicides are happening waaaaaaaaaaaay too fast. It is saddening that our youth - those who should be tomorrow's leaders are burning inside with different issues that are leading them to commit such heinous crimes. Sir, it is imperative that you make this a matter of urgency to encourage centres similar to ours, to help to identify and reach our hurting and struggling youth.

It is also imperative that you make it a matter of urgency at The White House to either put a temporary band on all gun sales and purchases, along with calling for the proper re-registration of ALL gun owners during a quick one month or less time frame. May I recommend that it become a crime for those who do not re-register their gun ownership.

How many more must die Mr. President before you use your power. Just as you used your unilateral power to order the strike on Bin Laden - Use your power to do something sir - Please  - For the Sake of our Children and Youth. Please.

Mr. President, the USA has spent much time and resources on fighting foreign wars and foreign crimes - VERY - VERY - GOOD. Thank you for not only protecting your country, but protecting the world. There is a BUT - a very serious BUT. I think it is time to use those in the US NAVY and ARMY at home at such a critical time. May I recommend that effective immediately, they begin to search the entire USA, residential and commercial properties and people, check and confirm for gun ownership licenses. Sir, I warn you, please listen to this man of God - do so NOW or such gun crimes will be all news agencies have to report on. A word to the wise is enough.

Remember Mr. President what happened after Noah - a man of God spoke for a long time. I have been speaking, I am hear listening to Piers Morgan on CNN have yet another feature talking about gun crimes. They have been doing it for months - for years - yet no action or little action?

Does America Really Care What Is Going On? Coming out after a crime and making a statement isn't enough. That is just like me praying for one of my members when they come and tell me that they have nothing to feed their children. I can't do that, I can talk to them and pray, but ACTION is IMPERATIVE  to chance their situation - don't you agree sir? Since you quickly shook your head, it is this very same action the world requires of you.

Mr. President, tomorrow, I have to dress up in my Santa Suit as I have done for the last 4 years, this year being our 5th Christmas Party since our founding. I will not be happy on the inside and this will be the FIRST TIME at our party where I would have to fake happiness just to keep the children that we minister to happy. I will have to smile as I give them their donated gifts from wonderful people and companies that care and take pictures and play on the bouncing castles, horses, computers, etc - but HONESTLY sir, I won't be happy inside - my mind would be on the happenings of today at the Elementary School.

Have you thought about it Sir? In 10 - 11 days time, parents of over 20 children would never get to hug and kiss their child. Some probably bought them the Christmas gift of their dreams very early and had it hid and would never get to give it to them. As I write, tears run down my eyes.

A husband or wife or girl friend or boy friend would never get to give their adult partner another hug. A granny's blood pressure level is up to its peak now and a cousin or nephew or uncle is thinking all of this is a dream.

Over the 26 years of my life, as a child and as an ordained youth minister of the gospel, I have attended and sometimes had the opportunity to share in conducting the funeral services of the bereaved. So many people usually come out to attend the service of ONE individual because they were connected in some way to the deceased or the family.

I hope you understand Mr. President where I am coming from. With so many now passed, can you imagine just how many individuals won't have a good Christmas this year?

Sir - it does seem that I will have to soon disconnect CNN from my Cable TV Service Provider and Change MSN.COM from my homepage because these gun crimes are happening too fast. It's not that I haven't been concerned before about all the others that happened in the last 12 months or last 48 months, but it has really, really hit home now - CHILDREN  ARE  DEAD! I have followed them from before and after Governor Giffords. I have travelled the world extensively on personal and government youth department business. I sometimes wonder why my mother gets so scared and concerned when I hold an American Airline Ticket in my hand. I have gone as far as Brazil and other countries to represent our St. Kitts - Nevis Government Youth Department and speak at other events on behalf of bodies that I am apart and mommy never seems to pray so much as when I am going to USA SOIL. What do you suspect is the reason Mr. President. She never calls me or texts me so often if I'm in another Caribbean Island or even in a far country. I honestly believes she contacts me every hour just to ensure I wasn't killed. Should travelling to the USA keep my mother so fearful sir? That has the potential to affect her high blood pressure. Not fair. Not fair. Gun Crimes is one reason I guess. When she stepped into my homebased office tonight, I asked her if she heard what had happened. She answered no, she refused to turn CNN on now a days to hear. Note well Mr President, my mother has always been a lover of that, since I remember CNN had a program called STYLE - see how long?

Honestly Mr. President, if you check with your FLORIDA and NEW YORK Business registering offices or agents, you will see communication between myself and agents on how to register my Dare 2 Be Different International Charity in those states to begin with, so we can actually expand the great good that we are doing through Jesus Christ to your country.

My busy schedule caused the delays and registration since back in November 2012. My USA teams that have applied for permission to open in your states are ready and blaming me for delaying and properly applying, especially after they visit our facebook pages and see how we get children and youth involved.

Sir, I am honestly happy that I was too busy to register and get going with our USA HUBS. Why? Simply because I really don't know how I would have lived to see another day if, God Forbid, during Dare 2 Be Different's 1st Youth Christmas Party in either Florida or New York, we lost a precious life- never mind dozens of other precious lives.

Mr. President, on a personal note, I am getting literally afraid of travelling to the USA now. Should I be even more afraid after this article when we have freedom of speech? Should I donate my AA.COM miles to someone for Christmas and head to another land?

Years ago, I always wished I was born in America beause of the great opportunities. I am happy for the US Visitors VISA - Thank you, but no one should really have to think hard or pray extra long when they want to travel to the USA.

Would I be shot at a cinema? Or while exiting the Mall? If I travel to the USA to join my team there to keep devotions at a school - Will I be shot along with children? What if Dare 2 Be Different International decides to have a public rally? Should I address the gathering in a bullet proof clear box to avoid, God forbid being gunned down like one of the world's greatest advocates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

Sir - Mr. President - Honestly? How much would secret service cost for each US resident or visitor? That may be something nice to implement to create employment immediately because that would ease minds a bit. Oooops - back to reality now.

We are already in St. Kitts - Nevis -, In St. Vincent and The Grenadines -, Ghana -, Kenya -, with applications in from youths to open their hubs in the UK, The Philippines, Germany, India, Pakistan, Bahamas and other countries making inquiries.

When I sit with my board Mr. President - The matter of opening in the USA should never be under such scrutiny beause of the these horrible gun crimes so fast.


Puerto Rico is just 45 minutes away from St. Kitts Mr. President, I think I will continue to run their quickly and come back before another troubled youth strikes again. Can you do something NOW to rebuild the world's confidence and remove some of our fear? CNN too, will drive home and sometimes I think OVERDRIVE  HOME  the situation with their media reports. I sometimes wonder if that does more harm than good to those affected. Anyway Sir, that's yet another article.

Mr. President, since I like politics alot, but won't participate because God is using me in another way, I watched both campaigns. This year's and the first time you won too. Since I'm a screen printer -, I actually stayed up all night the first year that you ran for president and when I heard you won, I quickly made a screen and printed shirts for free for those that were celebrating right here in St. Kitts over the first black president. I saw the time, and the effort and THE  MONEY that you put into your campaigns. Both you and your competitor.

It is my view though, that many times, enough effort and resources are not put into the things that matter most - not just with you, but with nearly ALL  GLOBAL  GOVERNMENTS. I won't be muffled here as a youth advocate. I would long to see you sir, take a few days off and travel to as many states as you can advocating against gun crimes, making recommendations and offering funding to Organizations in the USA that have the power to impact. My organization, Dare 2 Be Different International is not there yet, but on their behalf, I beg for HELP  AND  SUPPORT  FOR THEM as they struggle to make a difference. I know how it is trying to do something BIG, nevertheless, like me with a passion and a zeal for youth, establish something out of your pocket and keep it alive. Had it not been for God's intervention, my organization would have been dead. Many honest USA organizations, not those being exposed by Anderson Cooper, really want to help, but don't have th resources. That's all they need sir, some attention and some time and your help. Tell them about the grants that can assist them so they can really reach out to those being affected.

I honestly pray that God provides for me a wife that will understand. Since I started writing dozens of devotionals on  and answering questions on , I have hundreds of youth friends from all across the world. They stay emailing me everyday at: or chatting with me on WhatsApp: 869-663-0114 or my BlackBerry Pin: 2A3CBAA3 all hours of the day and night because of time zones.

What I have noticed as my ministry leads the way with technology in ministry to our youths, is this Mr. President, all our young people need many times is an ear. They are hurting, troubled, weary, suicidal, can't take the economic pain any more, need jobs and so many are confused. When a youth that I've been talking to from your country Mr. President messaged me the other day after weeks of talking with him and encouraging him and said, "I want what you have, I want to be saved." I wished I had a private jet to travel to his state just to celebrate with him.

Daily sir - daily - I deal with troubled youth from all around the world and many from THE  GREATEST  NATION  ON  EARTH. Some I reach, others I lose contact with and pray for them and wish them the best in life.

I hope the FBI doesn't start trying to monitor my emails and phones now to see if I am talking to the next youth that has the potential to strike next. FBI - I am only providing the help that they need, please don't interfere and scare them off now from contacting me or we may suffer again. As a wiz in technology, I know the system well. May God confuse those who try to intefere with His work and may they never have a peaceful rest again in their life if they try.

Sir - Mr. President - The Ball is in your court to act now. I say this with no water in my mouth and probably may be hated some more, but in this 21st Century, God started Dare 2 Be Different International - in one of the smallest nations on earth - 68 square mile St. Kitts - Nevis, to lead the way in Youth Ministry around the world and warn and guide small and large countries about the importance in acting NOW - SAVING  TOMORROW'S   LEADERS   NOW.

Mr. President, as a called servant of God, I always speak out on the things that God has instructed me to speak out on all across the world. It was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

On Saturday, 17th November, 2012, I wrote a similar open letter to Honourable Nigel Carty, the Minister of Education in St. Kitts - Nevis on a matter that needs most urgent attention on my OPEN  LETTERS  BLOG - . Less than one month after, I now write to you sir - TO  ACT  AND  ACT  NOW on another matter - GUN  CRIMES.

I doubt it would ever come through, but if you ever find ten (10) minutes of your time to squeeze me in with a visit to your office in The White House so you can hear some more of my views and I can share my Dream of How Dare 2 Be Different International can help make an impact in the USA and around the world with a fresh approach - I'll gladly be on the next flight out of St. Kitts. For the rest of the years you have in this your final term in office, I would always watch my Cell Phone - 869-663-0114 for any strange, unique number or keep checking my email: for any special email from the USA GOVERNMENT.

In closing sir, I am a firm believer that God puts people in high positions for a certain time and season and to make the biggest IMPACT THAT THEY CAN. Some do it and others, since way back in the BIBLE abuse their jobs from kings down. While you are there, plase make an impact and get proper solutions in place for this serious GUN  CRIME  PROBLEM.

I beg of you -  please sir, please, remember the youth - remember us as youth. Many of us are hurting, angry inside, depressed, stressed out, wondering if hope is really ahead - and we need HELP - URGENT  HELP.

In April 1967, a year before he was killed, Martin Luther King, Jr. preached on the “fierce urgency of now” in a sermon entitled, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.”  It was in this speech Mr. President, the King Jr. called for revolutionary love, the urgency of change, and for
ecumenical world community
. It was in this sermon Mr. President that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr spoke about THE URGENCY  OF  NOW

Let's see how long before the world sits at home and in their offices all across the world before either,

1. You act or
2. There is yet another report of a MASSIVE  GUN  MASSECRE.

Until then, my team and I will carefully and slowly consider opening our branches in the USA and bringing the well needed employment to your nation. We know if we come, we already have the support. We bless God for the folks in Maryland that have consented to help us start selling Dare 2 Be Different Pizza to help raise funds and also sell our Dare 2 Be Different Shirts. They found us on facebook and stay following all we do to impact the youth, especially our exciting pictures and posts -
Should I dash their hopes and not come Mr. President? They want us to hurry and open in Florida and New York then head to Maryland. What should I do sir? Be scared and live fearful for our youths or just stay where we are and go to other countries? That would be throwing away souls and throwing away the dozens of jobs part time and full time that our establishment would bring to your nation.

 The world, your tourists and your people are now becoming ever the more afraid to be apart of what I always hear you call - The Greatest Nation On Earth.

On behalf of Dare 2 Be Different International - St. Kitts - Nevis, St. Vincent and The Grenadines, Ghana and Kenya, along with other soon to be openned branches, we extend sincerest condolences to the families affected by this tragedy. Once you call upon the God of Comfort - He will take care. Please constantly browse through the following scriptures during this time. Psalms 119:49-50, Isaiah 51:12, Psalm 94:19, John 14:18, Matthew 5:4, 2 Corinthians 1:34-, Isaiah 49:13, 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

I know it will be a hard one for so many of you, but we also wish you Mr. President and our global following a Christ Centred Christmas and a Prosperous New Year - 2013 filled with lots of HOPE.


Khrystus Wallace, President & Founder
Dare 2 Be Different International

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